QR Generator using Python
Personal QR Generator using Python
The Idea:
At work we are being QR savvy and I seem to be finding myself using online websites for generating codes when I thought that I could build my own/our own in-house app. Learning Python has been on my hit list of languages to learn and this was a good opportunity for me to get hands on and develop a Python app. The first of many.
I asked a coleague who is a python developer on how to go about learning the language and he mentioned Youtube and chatGPT. I took a look at both and configured my own application based of a commonly used structure.
I want to further develop on this in due course by enabling coloured QR codes as an option alongside adding logos within the QR code. but this is a work in progress development that isnt priority at this present time!
Some QR codes I have created and manually coloured for identification purposes:
This wasn’t handed over. This is now uploaded project and publicly viewable and testable on my pythonanywhere page which can be found here.